
Reflexology is a form of ancient medicine based on body zones. It is a science that deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that are relative to each and every organ, function and part of the human body.

By applying pressure to specific parts of the feet the systems of the body are stimulated, toxins are expelled and energy channels are unblocked.

Foot Reflexology

Foot Reflexology has been proven to be totally safe and encourages the body’s own powerful healing potential.

It does not promise any cures or diagnose specific diseases, but can tell the Reflexologist whether the organ, function or part, is in a congested, sluggish or tense state.

The main aim of Reflexology is to increase the body’s overall state of relaxation, which improves nerve and blood supply and restores balance to the body. As a result, the body feels revitalised and is better able to cope with the demands placed upon it.

By achieving an improvement in the functioning of the body, aches, pains, hormonal problems and digestive complaints can be aided.

Our Reflexologist

Looking to book? Give us a call on 01702 433959 or request an appointment.

  • Kim is a Reflexologist supporting clients with a wide variety of issues.

    Kim’s approach with clients is to help them work through their emotional, physical and mental issues enabling them to release past traumas, fears and anxieties, building confidence and self-worth and re-programming their mindset. This is done by either standalone Reflexology or using a fusion of Reiki, Reflexology and talk therapy.

    Kim has additional training and experience in using Reflexology for pre-conception, pregnancy and post-natal care. She uses this supportive therapy when working with clients undergoing cancer care and in recovery.

Kim offers:

  • Reflexology 1 hour - £50